For good reason!  The Garden Angels invite you to their Fall Fund Raiser on Sunday, September 25th.  On sale will be fall mums and garden decorations.  You can also quiz an arborist and local gardeners on ways to improve the beauty of your home and garden.  Not only is this group good in the garden, but they are also experts in the kitchen.  You’ll want to check out the baked goods, cider and donuts.  They will be at your service between noon and 3 pm.

dsc_0140_858The Garden Angels are volunteers.  Their purpose is to enhance the beauty of Clark Lake.  And they seem to have the magical touch.  Recently they completely reworked the plantings at the corner of North Lake and Ocean Beach Roads.  Even this late in the season, this spot engages passersby.

dsc_0146_857They are also responsible for the gardens surrounding the Clark Lake Community Center.

dsc_0138_856The group, some of them pictured above, includes Karen Bullinger, Ferne Arnold, Ruth Cochran, Mary Kennedy, Dorothy Kerr, Debbie Mitchell, Becky Owen, Sue Robinson, Janet Seaman, Sandy Pease Simon, Ann Swain, and Shelly Wilbur. The Garden Angels always welcome newcomers to their fold.  You can reach them via clarklakespirit@gmail. com.
