You know what is said about April showers. At some point the colors of the new season will appear in a range of different ways. A forecast this morning indicated 80 degrees on Saturday. Then Tuesday night, the temp will dip to 27. If variety you seek, you have found it here.
If the wet, gray days are wearing on you, here’s a boost. Settle in with a second cup of coffee and flashback 5 years to 2017. In this video, you’ll watch the seasons change from the chill of winter to the warmth of summer. You’ll also remember some of the memorable events of the year. Happy viewing!
Great collection Rick. Thanks so much. Loved it.
You too are to be thanked, Rick BELCHER, for all the coverage you have given the amazing people and spirit of Clarklake. We are lucky to have you!
Wonderful review of the 2017. Thank you for all the coverage you give to us.
I’m not able to live at Clark Lake now but it’s forever in my heart all the good times and memories to cherish !