PLM reports that it surveyed Clark Lake last week. PLM is the company contracted to detect and treat invasive species at Clark. Both Eurasian water milfoil (HEWM) and starry stonewort were found in this most recent survey. HEWM appeared near the west end boat launch, east of Mud Point, Eagle Point (east side), and the Eagle Point Cove. Both HEWM and starry stonewort were detected in the bay near the County Park.
PLM also spotted a “fair amount of native milfoil along shoreline areas that has topped out and flowered.”
PLM indicates that this variety is “native milfoil and should recede back below the surface after it has flowered.”
PLM expects to treat the invasive varieties the week of July 19th. Notices will be given.
Lakes that didn’t control invaders found boating, fishing and other recreational uses adversely affected— and property values diminished. Clark Lake’s lakefront property owners petitioned Columbia Township to form a special assessment district (SAD) to thwart the problem.
This is all the more reason for the Township to reconsider this weeks 6-0 to put a dock (48′) at west end of the Lake or, perhaps, in the alternative, they could contribute to the SAD
It is interesting to note where the EMF is – it is where the off lake people fish or launch their boats.