A dusty stretch of Eagle Point Drive is heading for change. The unpaved section starts where Eagle Point Road and Eagle Point Drive meet, and extends several houses going east. Some residents in that area have taken steps to form a special assessment district (SAD) to replace the ruts, gravel and dirt with asphalt. Those residents cite problems beyond dust. When heavy rains occur, rushing water pushes a significant amount of mud onto driveways.
To form the SAD, 51% of the homeowners in the area must sign the petition, and it appears that has happened. At the next meeting of the Columbia Township Board, trustees will vote on the request. In this video, Kurt Parker, an attorney working on behalf of establishing the SAD, describes the project to Township trustees at the Monday, March 15th meeting.
The estimated cost is $32,000. The Jackson County Department of Transportation would pay 30% of the cost. The remaining 70% would be assessed to the affected property owners over a 3 year period.
I would like Hayes Drive maintained once in a while by the Jackson County Road Commission.. the holes in the road right off Jefferson Road are horrible …when it does get done it usually only lasts one week before the holes show up again!!!