by Diane Deming The barred owl family is nesting in our woods again this year. We estimate that they have been raising their young here for at least 10 years. This photo shows one of the adult owls at the nesting site. Occasionally we can see the young owl through the...
And at least they don’t bite. But the fish do bite and enjoy eating them, every minute of it. Last night a Clark Lake resident was wondering “where are the mayflies?” Usually they have arrived by now. He walked out of his house and then, as if on...
It was a dark and stormy night…okay, the photo makes it look like it could have been. But it was evening and about to rain. That’s when Mike Ligibel, out on a walk, noticed a “crow making quite a fuss. I looked up and in a tree just off the road...
A Clark Lake eagle made a visit to the east end early this evening searching for dinner. Elise Bentley Fish reports that her husband, Brian, spotted a muskrat in front of their house on Florida Avenue about 6 pm. Then, Elise, says “the young eagle flew down...
This owl was camped out along Eagle Point Road in the area of the hill near Jefferson Road and photographed by Bill Leutz. “We think he is a Great Grey” reports Ann Swain, Bill’s sister. In person, he was “huge, about 20 inches high”....
Today John Deming spotted a small convention of ducks via the DamCam at the east end of the lake. They took their time swimming around. Like the swans last week, they were probably looking for a bite to eat. Perhaps there will be a spring this...
When a remarkable catch emerges from Clark Lake’s murky depths, cameras begin clicking. In this case, Steven Lambert caught this beauty while fishing on a dock at the east end, summer 2014. Do you have a photo that you’d like to become part of the...
Whenever a remarkable fish is brought to Clark Lake’s surface, it’s an occasion for cameras to begin clicking to record the moment for history. Over the years, there are probably hundreds, maybe more, photos of fishermen displaying their proud catch....
Keeping an eye on the DamCam, even on a forlorn winter day, has its rewards. Just ask John Deming. Today he spotted two swans looking for a bite to eat at the dam. Although visibility was low due to weather conditions, you could see the swans as they maneuvered...
Read the story of the Eagle vs Coot, but first the latest photo. Both the story and photos are by John Deming: The Friday after Thanksgiving, a sheet of ice covered the lake but there were a few open areas. In one of them, a group of coot were swimming around. They...
There is a special connection between Clark Lake and eagles. Just ask anyone the name of the point that is midway between east and west and juts to the north! Clark Lake is receiving semi-regular visits by at least one eagle. But to get a photo, you must be armed...
Diane Deming spotted three mute swans flying around the east end of the lake this morning looking for a place to land. As you can see, the dark colored juvenile was with them, perhaps learning how to take off and land on ice. For those not at the lake right now,...