Hummingbird Bath Time

Hummingbird Bath Time

by Diane Deming Last winter while surfing the web, I saw a video of hummingbirds bathing in a red fountain by a home. Because I love to photograph birds, I thought that we needed to get this fountain to see if our hummers would bathe in it. I emailed the person who...
Morning Surprise

Morning Surprise

by Bill Leutz This morning, while I was taking my dog for a walk, I heard an unusual clucking sound and discovered this pair of Pileated Woodpeckers chasing each other around an oak tree. They are appear to be two females. It was just a chance encounter made...
Clark Lake’s Fishing Fowl

Clark Lake’s Fishing Fowl

How many of our feathered friends fish in Clark Lake?  At least six species.  The largest, and most impressive, is the eagle.  Frequently sighted at the lake, once in a while they provide a photo op. (Scroll down for a photo taken this spring). Second...
Cougar at Clark Lake

Cougar at Clark Lake

A cougar at Clark Lake?  Don Bills says he spotted one last Thursday. “It was on Hyde road, 1/4 mile south of Reed, at 6:20am . It crossed in front of me at a quick walking pace, so I saw it for a total of maybe four seconds.  He goes on to say...
The One that Didn’t Get Away

The One that Didn’t Get Away

When you’re 8-years old (or any age) and catch fish like this in Clark Lake, it’s time for a victory lap.  A 20-inch bass qualifies as a Clark Lake monster. Congratulations to Wynn Perry. Neighbor Steve Tackett says the enormous fish is making for a...
Fowl Fishing

Fowl Fishing

Blue Herons are apparently connoisseurs of Clark Lake’s bounty.  Mike Consonni caught this Blue Heron in the act yesterday.  Mike, and his wife Becky, observed the large bird snatch a live bass.  After grabbing the unlucky fish, the heron then...
Fish Die-off

Fish Die-off

Some observers at Clark Lake have noticed more dead fish this year than usual. To get answers, the Invasive Species Committee’s John Deming looked into it. Steve Hanson is a marine biologist who works for PLM, the company that treats Clark Lake to rid it of...


by Diane Deming My husband and I were working in the yard yesterday, and heard a loud buzzing or humming sound. When we looked up we saw thousands of bees flying around the top of a very tall tree. When the buzzing stopped in about a half hour, I retrieved the...
A Natural Encounter Update

A Natural Encounter Update

The swan family has been making their presence known at Clark Lake.  The couple had 10 sygnets as you can see in this photo from May 3rd. Diane Deming’s photo from May 10th shows 9 in tow.  The DamCam also caught them cruising the east end of the...
Spring Arrivals

Spring Arrivals

by Diane Deming When John and I returned from Florida last week we expected the return of the hummingbirds and orioles to be delayed because of the cooler than normal April. In spite of that we put out our feeders awaiting their arrival. To our surprise the orioles...
An Eagle Eye on the Eagle

An Eagle Eye on the Eagle

A Clark Lake eagle eye spotted something worth noting about yesterday’s eagle sighting (Wednesday, April 11).  Upon viewing the photos, John Deming noticed the eagle had something in its talons–a small bluegill.  You can see the eagle’s...
Eagle Along Eagle Point

Eagle Along Eagle Point

The eagle, in its flight over the lake, landed in a tree in front of the June’s, near where Eagle Point Road and Lakeview Drive meet.  The eagle had not gone unnoticed by some crows that were doing some fishing of their own.  The crows had apparently...