Little goblins cruised trunk to trunk and availed themselves of treasure chests of full candy.  Then, those who dared, entered the Haunted Woods, for a good scare.

What was the inspiration for the Second Annual Trunk-or-Treat and Haunted Woods olong Grand Boulevard?  Organizer Meredythe Hill VanDusen explains in the video.  Because of the location of homes at Clark Lake, residents don’t hear from kids dressed in costumes for Halloween.  So, these North Shore neighbors put together a true show.  Take a minute to view the video to see how it all came together.  You’ll take a stroll through the Haunted Woods.  You’ll see the actors performing on their sets for this fun night of fright.  You’ll notice the lighting was perfect.  As dusk turned into night, trees illuminated with multi-colors added to the spookiness.  Check it out.

Kids, their parents, and grandparents enjoyed the fun as you will see in this slide show.

Take a look at the actors and props in this slide show.

