Then God said to Noah, “Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives.”

It appears the swirling mass of green, darker green, orange and red is dissipating.  Not after 40 days and nights, but in about 24 hours 5.75 inches had fallen (Wed 7/10 2 pm).  That had its effects.  Using the standard formula, the lake received at least 90,558,590 gallons of water, not counting the runoff from land.  Since January 1st, Clark Lake has received 28 inches of rain.

Today, docks are closer to the water, some barely clearing it or waves lapping over.

Another formula that puts precipitation into perspective translates inches of rain into snow.  Using the current rain gauge reading, today’s rainfall could have been over six feet of snow.

The good thing about rain is you don’t have to shovel, although bailing a boat can be chore.

Good to know it’s Dam Strong.
