A sight not seen on Clark Lake for quite a while – 11 Hobies racing. Fleet 58 is back, and the newly formed group took their competitive spirits to the lake late yesterday afternoon.
Here’s Fleet 58 Commodore Chance Winnie holding the pre-race skippers meeting.
In sailboat racing, tense moments occur as the competitors attempt to gain an edge as they round a marker.
Yesterday’s race course was at the east end of the lake. The wind kept up and changed directions often enough to make for an interesting competition. Check it out in this slide show.
The races will continue on Thursday evenings through August 10th. For further info, please click here.
On shore were the fans in the stands, including Neil Robb and Bill Locke (second and third from the left).
Bill and Neil were race officials for the 2014 Fleet 58 Reunion and Regatta, held in collaboration with the Clark Lake Spirit Foundation. The photo below is from the 2014 Regatta.
Earlier yesterday afternoon, Mike McKay presented Commodore Chance Winnie with an item of special significance to the Fleet 58 legacy.
Here’s the story behind it. Mike McKay had a Hobie sail crafted into a tote bag. Back in the days when the Dunigan’s owned what is now the Eagle’s Nest, Mike had the insignia designed and sewn on the sail. He then mounted it in the foyer and installed floodlights to highlight it. For the Reunion and Regatta, the sail, with its insignia, was draped over the railing during the winners ceremony. Each of the participants in that meet signed the sail. Mike suggested to Chance that he also sign and date the sail, and have future commodores do the same.
At the 2014 event, Mike McKay emceed the presentations. This photo shows Mike, Mike McCarthy and now wife, Kristin, and the sail.

3rd Place, 18-ft–Mike McCarthy, Kristin Johnson
To visit the Fleet 58 page on this website, please click here.
Good to have Fleet 58 back, brings back memories of the good old days.,
Love watching the sails billow in the wind! I remember when (on Sunday mornings) the lake was alive with sails !