Your help is needed!
By now you’ve heard that DNA evidence confirms the presence of hybrid Eurasian water milfoil (HEWM) in Clark Lake. This invader spreads quickly. Left unchecked at other lakes, it has destroyed natural habitat, curtailed recreational uses of the lake (like boating, swimming and fishing), and assaulted property values. The Clark Lake Invasive Species Committee, with the help of the Clark Lake Spirit Foundation, is battling the problem.
This spring four areas will be treated, but that’s only a small portion of the 20 acres of HEWM in the lake. In order to treat all locations, it is necessary to establish a SAD. A first step is to present a petition signed by lakefront property owners to Columbia Township.
Here’s where your help is needed. The Invasive Weed Committee is looking for people to contact neighbors around the lake and ask them to sign the petition. This is an important first step. If we wish to thwart the spread of this invasive weed, it’s a must.
Please contact the chair of the committee, John Deming, at 529-9117 and get onboard!