The Day of Remembrance began with a definite chill in the air.  With air temperature at 25, an east wind blew across a freshly frozen lake.  It did not let those assembled off easy.  Neither did it deter them.  The Clark Lake Spirit was present and in a good state.

The event at the Clark Lake Cemetery commenced at 11 am.  Walt Reed thanked the township for their role in the cemetery.  From there, the video takes over.

In the video, Walt Reed and John Karkheck described the reasons for this event, including the laying of wreaths on the graves of veterans.  (To learn more about Wreaths Across America, please click here).  Tami Reed, Walt’s niece, has been active in the care of the cemetery, and was called upon to say a prayer.

In addition to laying wreaths to honor veterans, the Brooklyn Post 316 of the American Legion Honor Guard fired three rounds in salute.  Kirk Faulk from the Legion played taps.  His lead was echoed by Layton Phelps, a Columbia Central student.

The ceremony highlighted the Clark Lake Spirit Foundation’s Clark Lake’s Memory project that improved the cemetery.  The first phase  consisted of restoration – straightening headstones and gently cleaning them.  That work will be completed as weather permits by Jackson Monument.

The second phase of the Foundation’s project, under the direction of Mike McKay, was Build the Bell Tower.  (Click here to see it happen).  Three plaques are being inscribed that will be mounted on the Bell Tower’s pillar.  One plaque recounts the Clark Lake Community Church’s history, and how the bell in its spire, now placed on the pillar, was rescued from the ashes after the building burned in 1912.

On the north face will be a plaque recognizing Michael Ibold Wilger, who passed in 2016.  The Foundation in his name provided the financial support to Build the Bell Tower.  As the video concludes, you can see his brother, Fritz Wilger, ring the bell.

L to R – Walt Reed, Fritz Wilger, Mike McKay

The south face plaque will acknowledge the donors who supported the straightening and cleaning of the grave markers.  Scroll down to see all three plaques.

Montessori kids and others helped place the Wreaths Across America on the gravesites of veterans.

More on this Day of Remembrance by clicking this link:

A Day of Remembrance at Clark Lake – Clark Lake Spirit Foundation
