The Columbia Charter Township Police Department is currently investigating several crimes, believed to be related. Local areas affected include the southwest side of Lake Columbia and the north side of Clark Lake.
The following is from Columbia Township Police Chief Jay Niles.
“On the morning of January 16th, 2024, officers received several complaints from victims in the Lake Columbia area of this criminal activity. Officers learned from their investigations that during the overnight hours from January 15th, 2024, into January 16th, 2024, unknown individuals entered parked unattended vehicles at numerous residences on the southwest side of Lake Columbia. The suspects made efforts to locate unlocked vehicles and when one was found the suspect(s) would search the vehicle looking for whatever valuable personal possessions that were easily accessible and removable. Officers canvased the neighborhoods and in doing so located additional victims as well and some investigative leads. One of the investigative leads included footage from a Ring camera showing the suspects perpetrating their crimes.
“On January 20th, 2024, officers investigated a report of a stolen vehicle from North Shore Drive, Clark Lake. The vehicle was taken from a driveway during the early am hours of the 20th. The vehicle was recovered on January 21st, 2024, in the city of Jackson with what appeared to be minimal damaged and returned to the owner.
“Contained within this video are people of interest who are being sought for questioning:
“Based on the investigations thus far it is believed that the crimes are related.”
“The community is encouraged to make sure all their vehicles, residences, and outbuilding are secured when they are not attended or occupied. Simply providing the additional security efforts and double checking will save a lot of frustration and reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of this type of criminal activity.
“Please contact the Columbia Charter Township Police Department at 517-592-3122 if you have any information regarding these crimes. Your tip can remain anonymous if you wish.”
Thanks for the heads’ up! Crime doesn’t stop even for sub-zero temps and wind chills.