The Columbia Township Board has scheduled a public hearing regarding the potential operation of cannabis-oriented businesses within Township boundaries. The meeting will be held this evening at 7 pm (Mon 12/5) at the Township hall.
When the electorate legalized cannabis in Michigan, the Columbia Township board quickly voted to ban local businesses from dealing in it in some fashion. Township attorney Eric White advised the board of possible future consequences at a previous meeting of the Township board. He said those who want cannabis-oriented businesses to operate in the Township could initiate a referendum to be put on the ballot. No one could predict whether it would pass, and more importantly, how expansive such a proposal could be. A middle ground might be to allow some cannabis business activity but restrict it not to go beyond the perceived views of the community. Eric White recommended the Township hold a public hearing to gauge community support or opposition.
Attorney Eric White at a September meeting
If you have something to say about businesses dealing with cannabis, tonight is a good time to express yourself.
Let them in. Taxes can be used to fix the darn roads
If they used it for roads mi roads should be fixed
Let legitimate businesses establish in appropriate locations. It will cut in to the illegal trafficking and add much needed tax dollars for public improvements.
Isn’t there dozens of dispensaries just a couple miles north? Like, how many of those places do we need? Columbia already has enough problems with the hood rats tearing up our parks ect.