Many years from now, individuals will stand before the bronze plaques on the Welcome to Clark Lake Sign.  They may notice names still familiar, and wonder about those unrecognized.  The thought may then turn to what was Clark Lake like back then.  But they already have an inkling, just as we today reflect on what the lake must have been like when big bands played at Pleasant View, Ocean Beach and Eagle Point.  Time spent at Clark Lake has an indelible effect.  You never leave it behind.

The bronze plaques on the Spirit Trail side forward a story of today into the future.  Like indelible Clark Lake memories, the plaques are in place for the ages.

The Spirit Trail is now receiving requests for plaques to join those on the Welcome to Clark Lake Sign.  To be part of this Clark Lake legacy, please make arrangements by August 31, 2024.  Donations for the plaques help support the Spirit Trail – $1000 for individual or family plaques, and the $2500 for corporate plaques.  Start with an email to  Clark Lake Spirit Foundation is a 501c3.  To learn more about how donations are used, keep reading.

Clark Laker volunteers maintain the Trail.

Some improvements require hiring third party contractors.  For example, two sections were recently repaved – through the County Park and the former railroad bed adjacent to Hyde Road.  The cost totaled more than $50,000.


The Clark Lake Spirit Trail adds significantly to the Clark Lake experience.  At the very top of the Sign are Tom Collins words “If common cause is needed as a focal point around which to rally, let us build a PATH.”  Clark Lake responded, and the Spirit Trail was built.  As well as “a point around which to rally,” it also united neighborhoods.  Before the Spirit Trail, circumnavigating the lake by land was not easy.  Now those neighborhoods flow one to another.  Cyclists, runners, and walkers enjoy Clark Lake as the Trail takes them through those neighborhoods, the Magic Forest, to open vistas of the lake, and by notable landmarks like the dam and Community Center.  Users now enjoy the non-motorized section parallel to a very motorized, fast-moving, Jefferson Road.

If you choose to go ahead with a plaque, you will join some very good company.

To download a pdf of all names, please click here.

To download a pdf of the west section, please click here.

To download a pdf of the east section, please click here.

The inspired design of the Sign was crafted under the direction of Annette Fink.  In this video, recorded as the Sign was being constructed, Annette talks about the creative process.
