As with other holidays and events, Clark Lake stands out in the way it celebrates. It’s certainly true of Halloween. Kids trick-or-treating house-to-house doesn’t work because houses are spread out, and the time of season means some Clark Lakers aren’t home. So, Clark Lake adjusts. It turns out that breaking the mold brings on much more fun.
Below are three events, presented in chronological order – Haunted Woods, Hyde Road Hotties, and Beach Bar costume party.
The woods along Grand Boulevard were definitely haunted Thursday evening. Meredythe Hill VanDusen and neighbors put together a true spooktacular, and it comes in two parts. When you first arrived, you saw Grand Boulevard lined with vehicles with trunks and tailgates open. About eight cars offered goodies to ghosts and goblins.
Then, those who dared to step into the woods got a good scare. Dimly lit by luminaries, a path led you on. Along the way, various well-attired actors popped out from hair-raising settings.
If you carried a glow stick, the ghoulish creatures backed off. Meredythe says “smaller kids went through when still light, older kids and adults went through in the dark.” She says the turnout was excellent, and plans are in the works to make it an annual Halloween event.
Meanwhile, the Hyde Road Hotties gathered together on the same evening. Though not exactly a Halloween event, it did occur during this time frame. C. J. Cox says the Hyde Road Hotties light a bonfire once or twice a month during fall and winter. It glows hot, just as “hottie” suggests, and always happens in the magical Clark Lake setting.
The Beach Bar costume party Saturday night attracted vampires, zombies, barflies, and various other creatures from the dark. Lots of Clark Lake creativity was on display. Check it out in this slide show.
Rick, you have a doppelgänger son! Michael nailed it (with your help of course)
Great story, wish we could have been there, maybe next H’ween
I have to admit Dr. Dever nailed it with his imitation of Rick Belcher !