Just when it looked like everything was a “go” for the Spirit Trail cleanup tomorrow (Sat 3/25), the weather forecast said “no” — rain in the morning, a mix of rain/snow in the afternoon. So, the annual cleanup has been postponed to Saturday, April 1st (not an April Fool’s joke).
The Spirit Trail begins at the County Park, east end. It’s hard not to notice what the ice storm left behind in the County Park, particularly in the north and northeast of the Community Center. The County Parks Department has reached out repeatedly and wants all to know that the cleanup of the park is high on their list. Their crews expect to remove fallen limbs and all that was left behind as soon as manpower permits.
Here’s a review of what’s involved for Clark Lake Spirit Trail volunteers on Saturday, April 1:
For this annual event, Clark Lakers scour this 7.3 mile path around the lake to improve the look and feel of one of this community’s crowning achievements. In the 1996 Tom Collins said, “If common cause is needed as a focal point around which to rally, let us build a Path.” Clark Lake took on two big projects simultaneously — building the Trail, and saving the Graziani house by moving it over the water to the County Park. What an awesome heritage!
So, what are the advantages of participating in the Cleanup?
- You would have to pay a fitness club to get this kind of work out
- Meetup with like-minded neighbors
- Confirmation that spring is here
- Help make the Trail sparkle so it presents to the world a picture that Clark Lake can be proud of
- It’s a part of standing up for Clark Lake
What to do? Meet Dan Omo at the County Park at the east end on Saturday, April 1, at 9 am. He will have surveyed the Trail and can point you to where help is most needed. Bring yourself, friends, and tools like rakes, shovels, plastic bags. To reach Dan in advance, call or text him at 937-0424 or email at domodan@gmail.com.
Take a look at how the cleanup has worked in the past.
I will be there on April 1!