While Clark Lakers slept, two inches of rain fell. On Saturday morning (6/29), this rain gauge told the story.
What does that mean for the lake we love? Clark Lake was replenished with at least 31,498,640 gallons. The qualification of “at least” has to do with runoff. It’s impossible to know how much water on land drained into the lake, adding to rain falling directly onto the water. Thanks to John Deming for determining the rainfall formula: number of inches x number of acres x 27,154. An inch of rain falling over an acre totals 27,154 gallons.
The overnight weather left behind extreme humidity that remained through the day. At 5 pm, it was 84 degrees with 74% humidity. Flowers (and weeds) are happy.
The dam is also smiling.
So far in 2024, Clark Lake has received 22.08 inches of rain. Winter gave us only 11 inches of snow (from November to the last measurable snow in February).