Those on Clark Lake who face west have a longstanding tradition–watching as a sheet of rain works it way across the lake.
It goes something like this. At first, you notice the glowering sky with its angry clouds. Soon you see rain at the west end. It becomes so heavy that you can no longer see the head of the lake. Then, depending on what kind of weather system is driving the rain, you note the speed at which the sheet moves toward you. Finally comes the moment when it takes over, and for a few moments, all else is forgotten.
As a kid, it was a delight to be on the dock, on shore or in the water as you felt the rain suddenly envelope you. That is, of course, if the adults in charge had determined there was no lightning.
This afternoon about 5 pm, one of those special Clark Lake moments occurred. By the time the camera began to roll, the head of the lake was already obscured. The video stops about the time the photographer began to worry about whether the camera would react to the impending sheet of rain with the same joy as kids do.