Today, Americans will remember September 11, 2001.  The anguish of that day reverberates, and the message that it leaves is not lost.

In 2022, Chris Donahue created a poignant remembrance at Clark Lake – 2,977 American flags, planted in the shape of a heart, on his lawn. It represents those who went to work in the Twin Towers and the Pentagon who never returned home, those who were on Flight 93 who never again saw their families.  The terrorist attack robbed them of life, deprived their loved ones of a lifetime of joy, and awakened the nation.

This video illustrates the magnitude of this truly heartfelt display.

It’s worth reviewing the website’s 2022 story to grasp what it took to create this remembrance:

“As Chris embarked on this tribute, he began to realize that planting nearly 3000 flags in the shape of a heart took planning—and knowledge.  He reached out to Ido Sarig who, while at MIT, helped people conquer the fear of geometry through his website.  Ido gave him the geometry and measurements.  But the process didn’t stop there.  Cody Wallace, a landscaper, stopped by to check on some work he was doing for Chris.  Cody helped get the 40 foot area close to square and the 20 degree radius set for the two semi-circles that formed the shape.  Mike McKay noticed the activity.  Mike explained the precise measurements for a 40 foot square.  Mike, and his wife Teresa, brought down 100-foot measuring tapes, along with needed words of encouragement.  Neighbor Dr. Ray Clark cut foot-long 2x4s to aid in keeping things aligned.  Mike and Jill O’Donoghue also checked in with words of encouragement.

“Chris comments:  ‘I’ve always wanted to do this, am exhausted, and couldn’t imagine the size.  But what’s interesting is there’s a sense of calmness at the sheer number of people that perished that day—all because someone didn’t like us and wanted to destroy our freedom and liberty.’

On this September 11, we can be grateful for the first responders, all who believe in America, and this peaceful morning at Clark Lake.

