The Mary Reynolds Spirit of Clark Lake Award recognizes individuals or families who have contributed to the quality of life at Clark Lake.  This year the annual award went to Rick Belcher.

Photo: Brett Wietecha

The plaque is created each year by Mary Reynold’s daughter, Joey Reynolds Massangale.  According to Joey’s brother, Flip, their mother quietly found ways to make the lake a better place.  Clark Lake meant a lot to her.  Even in her last days, she continued to take part in the community, including Raft-O-Rama.  The award is decided upon by vote of the community with ballots available before Raft-O-Rama at local stores.

Now here comes the awkward part.

I, Rick, am the guy who writes, produces, and admins this website and Facebook page on behalf of the Clark Lake Spirit Foundation.  Because of that, it’s fallen on me to report on myself.  I’ll keep it short.

I’m honored and feel tremendously grateful, not only for the award, but to be part of this wonderful community.  Like many here, my family has a long history at Clark Lake (I’m fourth generation).  It’s not just about the past but how that history translates into our lives today. Whether your family goes way back or you’re more recent, this fact is clear.  We’re here at Clark Lake not because we have to be.  We’re here because we love it. Love of the lake goes wide and deep in our community. Most importantly, it’s what unites us, and collaboration and hard work are two of the outcomes. My involvement with the website, the Foundation, Spirit Trail, Raft-O-Rama and other projects is an outcome of that shared love. Whether it’s the many who help with this website or any of the other projects I’ve observed or been a part of, the Clark Lake Spirit is strongly evident up and down our shores and beyond.

Thank you!

It’s a good thing this is annual award.  Others are deserving. Last year’s winner was Peggy Collins.  Other past winners include Peggy’s late husband Tom, Peggy’s son John, Bill Bendele, Bunty Adams, Louie & Michele Ambs, Bill Tuttle, Bev Avis, Loretto Baker, Don Fowler, R. Tucker Boyers, George Svinicki, Joanne Ambs, Ogden Adkins, John & Dotty Karkheck, Dick Cochran, Woody Newman, Ann Swain, Pat Dwyer, Jamie Mercer, Sam & Kathy Pease, Meredith Szostek, John Collins, and Evelyn Menard.
