Map of HEWM in Clark Lake from the PLM study, fall 2014. Click or tap to enlarge; repeat, to reduce.
If you’ve been following the news on this website, you know that over 20-acres of hybrid Eurasian water milfoil is present in Clark Lake. This fast-spreading weed threatens to curtail recreational use of the lake, destroy natural habitat for wildlife and negatively impact property values. It’s been confirmed by DNA evidence and a study funded by the Clark Lake Spirit Foundation.
The group that has formed to address this threat, Clark Lake Invasive Species Committee, is holding a public information meeting tomorrow (Wed, Dec 10) at Columbia Central High School from 7 pm to 8 pm. The Committee has voted to pursue a pilot treatment program for 2015 using the services of Professional Lake Management (PLM). To learn about the threat and the safe use of herbicides, you may wish to attend this meeting.
The meeting will begin with a Power Point presentation from Dr. Carley Kratz of the River Raisin Watershed Council. A panel of lake residents and others who have researched the problem–and worked to find solutions–will address the issue and answer questions.
Recently the Directors of the Clark Lake Spirit Foundation voted unanimously to receive donations, hold the funds and disburse them on behalf of weed control through the Invasive Species Committee. Donations will be accepted at the meeting. The Foundation is a 501c3; and, as such, donations to it are tax advantaged. In the past, the Foundation has supported beneficial community activities such as the Spirit Trail, rebuilding the dam at Ocean Beach, and Community Center move to the County Park.