It wasn’t about Faster Horses tonight at the Beach Bar, it was about faster crabs. The crescendo of competition continued to build until the final round of the 2016 Great American Crab Races. It was Deb Foley, trainer, of “Puff” who walked away with the grand prize of $500. Dan Omo’s crab “Danny” came in second for $350; and Cheryl Nidecheff’s “Judy Judy” earned her $200. For the complete rundown of who won what when, please see the tally board below.
Here was the final race when the big money was won.
Before the final race, there was a salute to our country with the singing of the National Anthem. It started with a recording, then gradually one person after another joined in. By the “rockets red glare” all were singing enthusiastically.
Linda Reynolds, of the Crab Race committee, comments “it was another great year–every ticket sold!” This event, in its 25th year, supports the Clark Lake Spirit Trail, Columbia and Napoleon Athletic Boosters and Napoleon Lions Club. The sponsors play a crucial role. You can see a list of them as you scroll down.