Surprisingly, the total number of boats moored at Clark Lake in 2023 declined 11% from 2022. What will the 2024 Boat Count show? Tomorrow morning at 6, an intrepid crew will begin this year’s count under the command of Terry Scott. He’ll be accompanied by Randy Guernsey as scribe, and Rick Belcher, barker. Simultaneously, Josie and Frank Hones will be scouting docks by canoe from Mud Point to where Lakeview West meets Eagle Point Road.
The timing is based on theory that if a boat will be in the lake for the summer, it will happen by July 4th. The photo below is from last year – Terry Scott and Tom Bules.
Results will be reported on this website.
Frank and Josie Hones. Josie is handing Terry their count info.
Stay tuned!
Always look forward to the boat count – a great tradition…
Just made it, our raft went in yesterday.
Long standing tradition. My grandfather, Bowser Eagy helped start the tradition, I love that it continues!