The annual Clark Lake Count took place today, July 4th. If you saw a raft slowly circling the shoreline with five guys equipped with clipboards, pointing at docks, you probably saw the counting crew under the reassuring command of Bill Tuttle, who has championed this cause since Bowser Eagy’s passing in the mid 1980’s.
Not all the results are tabulated yet, but there is an interesting statistic that jumps right out at you, given the activity scheduled for this Sunday at Clark Lake. A preliminary subtotal shows 34 Hobie Cats at the lake. That beats last year’s total of 24. Once the data are compiled the 34 Hobies could grow in number.
It looks like good weather for Sunday and the Fleet 58 Reunion and Regatta. Please check out the details on the main page of this website.
The boat count this morning started at 6 am. The count is traditionally taken on July 4th with the presumption that all boats that are going in the water for the season are moored at docks or the immediate shoreline, by this date. And at 6 am, the vast majority of boats are not in use, promoting a more accurate count. Today’s weather offered a special challenge. It was not only chilly (in the low 50’s), but foggy, especially in the cove on the east side of Eagle Point. But the determination of the crew that the count should be accurate ensures that the results will show statistically reliable numbers. Once the compilation as taken place, look for a posting on this website under News and Events and also under Vital Statistics/Boat Count.
Despite the early hour, there were a number of people with coffee mugs in hand on the their docks, probably wondering what that raft with five guys was up to!