The Clark Lake Spirit Trial is used primarily by cyclists, runners, and walkers.  Now there is a new activity–sitting.

Three new benches have been installed along the Trail, with at least four more to come. The Spirit Trail offers a variety of surroundings–lake vistas, cool forested areas, and welcoming neighborhoods.  These benches will be strategically located for those who would like either rest for a while or simply contemplate the natural beauty and other environmental benefits of the lake.

The new benches will typically bear the name of individuals or families.  In some cases they honor the memory of someone who loved the lake.  The purchase of the benches are supported by donations to the Spirit Trail.

Spirit Trail bench

Ann Swain and Sally McCarthy at the bench honoring Sally’s mother. The two are toasting Sally’s mother with what was her favorite beverage.

Currently you’ll find the benches in three locations–at Eagle Point near the gas dock, at Jefferson Road as you enter the Magic Forest, and along the cut-through between Sandy Beach and S. Woodlands.

Spirit Trail bench

Flip Reynolds at the bench memorializing his parents along the cut-through, Sandy Beach to S. Woodlands

Acquiring and placing the benches is the work of the Spirit Trail Committee.  Committee Chair Ann Swain with Kathleen Thorrez and Peggy Collins was joined by Flip Reynolds on the project. They investigated the options and were able to find durable benches proven to stand years of use and the demands of difficult climates.  They are manufactured by Polly Products, a company located within 70 miles of Clark Lake.

Spirit Trail Bench

The Arksey bench is near Jefferson Road and along the Trail leading to the Magic Forest

A donation of $1000 is being accepted for a bench that includes two lines of inscription.  Additional lines are $86 each.  For further information, please contact Ann Swain 529-9485.

