At least four docks were in the lake as of today (Tuesday 3/21).  The Eagle Point Cove led the way–Jan Baugh, Myra Breakey, Melanie & Mark Herman. 

In Pierces Bay, Flip Reynolds joined the first-in group.  Thanks to Kellie Garris for her help in putting together this story.

Michael McCarthy took his boat for a spin today, and with a purpose in mind.  His passenger was Carolyn Zader who was performing one of several water quality checks that will occur this season.  Thanks to both of them for working on this monitoring project that is important to the current and future health of the lake. The water quality program is sponsored by the Clark Lake Spirit Foundation.  Below Michael’s boat is anchored, riding the waves created by a stiff northwest wind at sunset, in front of his place on Lakeview West.

Michael's boat ps
